Published responses

The EIB would like to thank all the individuals and organisations that took part in this public

consultation. A total of 55 contributions were received.

The full list of respondents is available here. A hyperlink on the contribution number will take you to the respondent’s corresponding contribution. 

Should you prefer to view all the responses to a particular question or to a particular Standard,the excel table available here will provide you with that possibility.

We are currently reviewing these contributions. In Q4 2021, the EIB’s governing bodies will discuss the outcome of the consultation.  At least 15 working days ahead of the relevant Board of Directors meeting, the following documents will be published on this website:

  • A draft consultation report summarizing the public consultation process;
  • A draft issues matrix summarizing the contributions received and the EIB’s response;
  • The draft revised EIB Group Environmental and Social Policy as well as the 11 draft revised Environmental and Social Standards.

Once approved by the Board of Directors, the final versions of all documents will also be published.

Respondents will be notified via email about these next steps in this public consultation

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52 Published responses

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