Public consultation on the EIB energy lending policy

Closed 29 Mar 2019

Opened 8 Jan 2019


The European Investment Bank conducted a public consultation on its energy lending policy from January to March 2019.

The global energy sector is set for profound change. The European Union is at the forefront of this transformation. It has adopted measures to deliver ambitious climate and energy targets for 2030 and a new energy rulebook called Clean Energy for All Europeans.

The public consultation solicited views and input from the public on how the Bank can best support EU energy policy and long-term climate and energy targets. A consultation document highlighted the key consultation topics.

The public consultation process

The public consultation was announced on 21 December 2018 and officially launched on 8 January 2019. Stakeholders were invited to send written contributions by 29 March 2019.

A consultation meeting took place in Brussels on 25 February 2019. This meeting offered an opportunity for direct exchanges between interested stakeholders and the EIB. The event was livestreamed and participants could interact remotely.

Outcome of the public consultation

The EIB received 149 written contributions from organisations or individuals. Feedback and suggestions were rich and diverse. Three petitions were received, signed by over 30 000 people in total.

In line with the EIB Group Transparency Policy, a draft consultation report was made available. The report provides an overview of the consultation process and the stakeholder submissions received. It presents a detailed issues matrix that consolidates the written contributions and presents the EIB’s response to the points raised. The draft energy lending policy was also made available.

Discussion and decision

The EIB Board of Directors discussed the draft energy lending policy at its meetings on 10 September and 15 October 2019.

Following a constructive debate at these meetings, the EIB Board of Directors continued the discussion at its meeting on 14 November 2019. During this meeting, the Board of Directors agreed on a new energy lending policy and confirmed the EIB’s increased ambition regarding climate action and environmental sustainability. Find more information on the implementation of the EIB’s energy lending policy

Key documents

Event Date Documents
Launch of consultation 08/01/2019
  • Public consultation on the EIB Energy Lending Policy EN - FR - DE

Background documents

Consultation meeting in Brussels 25/02/2019
Publication of stakeholder contributions 17/04/2019
Publication of EIB comments to stakeholder contributions 26/07/2019
Publication of Consultation report 26/07/2019
Publication of final draft document 26/07/2019
Adoption of new document by EIB’s Board of Directors 14/11/2019


  • Anyone from any background


  • Energy